The Ultimate Enterprise
AI Code Assistant
Mainly designed for enterprises to help your team understand and write better code with an AI assistant and a code search engine.
Your company will benefit!
Easily spread and standardize best code practices among team members and much more!
Write better code
...and code faster through an extensive and smart use of AI
AI generated code
...that makes use of reliable and proven code that complies with the enterprise standards
Get in depth
...on code structures, concepts and relations
Write better code
...and code faster through an extensive and smart use of AI
AI generated code
...that makes use of reliable and proven code that complies with the enterprise standards
Get in depth knowledge
...on code structures, concepts and relations
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Why K.Explorer is the best solution for your Business?
Because it goes beyond a regular code assistant. K.Explorer analyses and builds insights from the enterprise code base making use of its specific code patterns and domain contexts, ensuring that developers can reuse code while complying with their organization’s standards.
Magic at Work
Take an example on how a "code tailored for your enterprise" based on your standards and specific domain contexts works.
Reengineered user prompt
K.Explorer found and proposed a similar pattern used to construct a JPA specification using the current code base and much more.
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